Far out with STORK International
Thanks to the trimodal connection to road, rail and our own loading quay with access to the Elbe and Mittelland Canal, the Magdeburg site is not only optimally equipped logistically, but also allows us to ship large quantities of bulk goods in an environmentally friendly and efficient manner. The port locations of the STORK group of companies, Stork Umweltdienste GmbH and Recycling OWL in Hille, have a rail connection which enables direct transportation between these locations and thus relieves the burden on roads and the environment. In addition to the Magdeburg and Hille route, a freight train with STORK loading units commutes several times a week between Magdeburg and our location in Piesteritz.
The port site of STORK Umweltdienste GmbH is also excellently equipped for the processing of dredged material and bentonite sludge.
STORK Umweltdienste GmbH has a waste handling facility to ensure that waste is transported independently of trucks. Solid and liquid waste, as well as hazardous and non-hazardous waste, can be delivered and handled here by rail or ship. In addition to the pure handling services, subsequent transportation, interim storage or recycling of the waste can also be offered.
Translated with Deepl|2024-11-28 11:24:24